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Donate to Villa & Proud

Please help us to tackle LGBTQ+ inequalities & all discrimination in football by making a donation to further our work. 


Help us to reach more people & truly make Aston Villa Football Club & Villa Park a welcoming place for all.

We Empower, Support and Build LGBTQ+ Inclusion for fans, Players and Staff at Aston Villa FC.


Why donate?

Please help us to tackle LGBTQ+ inequalities & all discrimination in football by making a donation to further our work. 


Help us to reach more people & truly make Aston Villa Football Club & Villa Park a welcoming place for all.


We want to keep our membership free to involve everybody irrespective of personal circumstances & we receive no statutory funding or grants to deliver our life-changing & ground-breaking work.


How do I donate?

You can make a donation directly via our bank account:

Villa & Proud Ltd
Starling Bank
Account No. 90922716
Sort Code 60-83-71


You can also use these details to set up a standing order to support us regularly & allow us to plan ahead & deliver far-reaching long-term campaigns.


You can also visit our shop. 100% of the profits go towards supporting our work.


As a committee, we pledge that we will use every penny we receive wisely, to work hard & make football truly everyone's game. We will be open & transparent about how these donations are used & if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


Thank you for your support & for helping to make the LGBTQ+ community & everybody feel safe & valued at AVFC!

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