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Our Campaigns

How we make progress

Villa Allies

As an Official Supporters Network of Aston Villa Football Club, Aston Villa FC are by far our biggest Ally. However smaller groups, or even single people, can still make a huge difference. The most important thing is this: 


Everyone can be an ally.


LGBT+ people can be allies too. For example, a Gay person can be a Trans ally, or a white LGBT+ person can be an ally of someone from a racial minority. 


Our prominent #VillaAllies include Paul McGrath, Heart of the Holte, Dan Bardell and Under A Gaslit Lamp. 



Pride Month 

During Pride Month, we run campaigns and competitions to raise awareness of our network, and most importantly, the LGBT+ community.


For Pride Month 2020, we launched the hashtag #BeVillaProud.


Being "Villa Proud" refers to being both proud to support Aston Villa, and proud to be your true and authentic self. This campaign is aiming to encourage Villa fans to focus on what unites us, whilst also embracing each others differences. 


©2024 Villa & Proud Ltd


FSA Fans For Diversity Award Winners 2020

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